Rizoma's vision, interview with CEO Fabrizio Rigolio, by Moreno Pisto
Fabrizio Rigolio, born in 1973, is the founder of Rizoma, the brand that better than any other has interpreted luxury and technology in the world of motorbikes. Live at MotoFestival the exclusive interview by Moreno Pisto.
The rhizome is a root that grows in hostile places, where it is difficult to cope.But Rizoma is also the brand that, since 2001, has become the reference point for the aftermarket on two wheels. We know the products, they are elegant and finished right from the packaging, they amaze when you take them home. Rizoma components are what Apple would be if it produced aftermarket for motorcycles. Because if you want the best, choose them, period. Moreno Pisto interviewed Fabrizio Rigolio, born in Varese in 1973 and CEO of Rizoma. Press Play and watch: Fabrizio has taken us into his home, where ideas are born, and then into the company that is part of life for him. "I'm not another when I get home from work - he told us - for me it's a whole that comes together".
Fabrizio was racing on his motorbike to look for the challenge, his greatest motivation also in the entrepreneurial field. But with the bike it was different, the challenge was to get out of the hospital without too many ailments. Then came the passion for design, friends who ask you for a mirror that doesn't exist, you who designs it and your brother who models it on the lathe.
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Then other friends, fans, people. Word of mouth born when there was no Facebook and PayPal was nerdy stuff, enough to convince Fabrizio to go abroad with a bag filled with mirrors to open a company. But do it in Italy, because we will have an infinity of defects but we continue to export beauty all over the world.
Thus was born Rizoma, between the arrival of the Euro and the economic crisis, and from there comes the name: from proliferating in difficult situations. The starting idea is that in the world of motorcycling there is no search for beauty, the detail that makes the bike more beautiful and personal.
So today Rizoma is all over the world: in Beverly Hills for example, where Rigolio met Keanu Reeves (who invited him to his house) and Jay Leno, one of the most prepared and famous car collectors in the world. “When we started, no one gave us credit - says Fabrizio - in the USA, on the other hand, we believe more in outsiders, in underdogs. Those who come out of nowhere and who have the determination to bring something new ”.
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After twenty years of activity, Rizoma wants to take the big leap, get to the next level. "The most beautiful moment in my work is in the idea, the most difficult is engineering - a complex word to write, let alone put into practice - while creativity is trained by looking around. The more you see, look and discover… the more creative you can be. Think of the children: as soon as they pick up a pencil they draw the house, the parents, the sun. Because they haven't seen the world yet. The more you look, the more you can mix things up ”.
Rigolio has a deep vision on creativity, he is inspired by the greats like the creator of Nike or Jeff Bezos. A crazy quote is in a very short video by Steve Jobs. He says 'Ask', ask: you must have the courage to do and ask. Creativity requires disorder, it is necessary. Then you can tidy up to create simplicity, which is the point of arrival. " So here is simplicity, the point of arrival. Four adjectives are enough to describe Rizoma: minimalist, pure, bold and Italian.