MAB v3 protects the entire width of the back, neck, sacral crest, chest and abdomen and can be worn over any type of jacket.
This vest is equipped with a mechanical control system, called Fast Lock and it works like a seat belt, it is able to perceive dangerous situations and consequently trigger the airbag in less than 5ms or 3cm. It’s absolutely not an obstacle for the rider, because it allows any type of movement, even standing on the pegs, it intervenes only in the event of an accident.
Fast Lock has the ability to recognize a 360-degree crash, at whatever speed you are going, whether it is a frontal impact, rear-end collision or slide.
The airbag can be regenerated by the rider itself once activated, but to do so it must be equipped with the appropriate recharging kit, the one provided by MOTOAIRBAG.
The inflation time of the two devices is of about 80 ms and they offer a 25 liters protection, complying with level 2 airbag EN1621/4 standard.
The vests are available in 3 sizes, and they are to be used over the jacket, whether it’s summer or winter. The vest can be adjusted, in order to fit perfectly over any kind of apparel.
MAB v3 is the new model, it has the same configuration as MAB v2, but the vest part has been redesigned and created with softer, but always protective materials, in order to make it even more comfortable.
The cost of MAB v3 is € 599 without the charging kit, which has a price of € 52.
For more info visit the website: http://www.motoairbag.com/