Tony Cairoli - THE INTERVIEW
At the end of the World Championship commitment as a "pro", for Tony Cairoli the moment is approaching when other worlds will open up. First, however, some more "sentimental" considerations on what he has been, on the key moments, on the bike and what it has represented
Tony Cairoli - THE INTERVIEW
Tony Cairoli "stopped". He stopped as a Champion. If it is difficult to become one, it is even more difficult to decide to stop when you are still on the crest of the wave. But Tony is special, and so before leaving here is the invitation to some more "sentimental" considerations about what he has been, the key moments, the bike and what it has represented.
Perhaps, however, it is not yet the right time to stop, the flywheel effect is still very strong, to reflect, to give shape to the dreams of different projects after so many years of "exclusive ownership" of the "Fuoriclasse" by the discipline of which he has been uncontested ruler.
The interview thus becomes the singular, precise and unique photogram of a moment of transition, the moment in which the Champion returns to being a normal person. The future of Antonio "Tony" Cairoli has not yet been written. More "two wheels"? The "four wheels"? But which four wheels, and in what spirit? Tony generalises about his future, proving that he needs a period of "biological standstill" in which to reset ambitions and inner designs, starting from the family and the most wonderfully normal things that are part of the life of all human beings. Champions and champions included.