The Stories of Mr Franco/2 - The epic Incas Rally Lima-Rio: Fabrizio Meoni's first victory and the emergency landing in the Amazon
After the story of the 6 Days organised by Franco Acerbis in Brazil. Now, it is the turn of a true epic. That of the Incas Lima-Rio, an authentic, exciting journey of exploration in the world of Rally-Raid....
The story of the International 6 Days of Enduro organised in Brazil by the Italians is an amazing one (see Mr. Franco's Story #1). But there is another story, among the thousands whose protagonist is Franco Acerbis, which is at least unusual, and which refers directly to the purity of the Adventure of the Rally-Raid in a realization which has something incredible, and which was designed on the basis of a great vision, the Incas Rally "version" Lima-Rio.
Mr Franco had invented the Incas Rally and had taken his Pilots to Machu Picchu for the award ceremony. The journey of exploration... of Peru is made up of the trilogy of 'first manner' Incas Rallies, 1986, 1988 and 1989, and the subsequent 1986 Incas Rally “movie vision”. In between, on the watershed of an unforgettable adventure, the Lima-Rio, a sort of magical, 'extended' Incas Rally.
As Franco tells us, the Lima-Rio in its defining development stems from the need to find a contrivance... it is planned, and will be realised, to cross the Andes and the Amazon and to join the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic through a broken line of 12 incredible stages. These are as many episodes of an unrepeatable saga, at the end of which the unforgettable Fabrizio Meoni!