Rosario Sala
Motorcycle trips. Life for others
Rosario Sala travels with his maxienduro in every continent of the globe. He realizes wonderful books with photos that tell us about far away places. But every adventure is also an opportunity to help the poorest people. Come and meet him with us
There are many motorcyclists who travel the world by motorcycle. There are not so many who make wonderful photos and books. If we then add the help to poor populations, we can count them on the fingers of one hand. Among them, Rosario Sala deserves special attention. He left Trento on his big bike to travel the world. Asia, Africa, South America: in his books you will find photos that touch the hearts of enthusiasts. And not only for the places, but also and above all for the voltin that he describes with great humanity.
Rosario is here with us at Moto.it to tell us about his life and his next trip. He will soon leave on his new Yamaha Ténéré 700 for Japan: a 3-month journey that we will tell you about on our pages.