Pietro Meda. Numbers and emotions
The EICMA president has the now ‘traditional’ task of ‘closing’ and taking stock of the event. The satisfaction, the exciting signs during the preparation, the commitment to move forward in continuous progression
Pietro Meda is the President of EICMA. The ‘Show’ of wonders with not everyone expected to be in such good shape. Yet, even beforehand, during the long months of preparation, the signs were comforting, first, exciting, then.
The happy progression would reach a magical moment when, ‘cards’ in hand, one fact emerged unequivocally: at the ‘Salone’ this year, everyone, but really everyone, was there. Those who were not there because they had never been, especially those who returned. The circle was closed, to everyone's delight.
Pietro Meda pauses for a moment to review the great moments of the last period. He starts with the terrible ones. A very difficult starting situation, then the pandemic and the cancelled edition. Never, however, the ‘temptation’ to give up. And then the courage, the seriousness of the plans, the extraordinary and unyielding commitment, the recovery and, finally, the signs and comfort of today's EICMA: a marvel!
Stop? No, that would not even be correct. First there is the commitment, then the ‘price of success’ to pay by translating it into benefits for fans, for visitors, then the look to the future, the near one to go further. From EICMA and Misano, for example, an encore success of the same ‘task force’, and other ideas, always welcome, always at the table for convivial discussion.