It is very nice to finally stroll a little relaxed through the 'virtual' corridors of the pavilions, to linger with the authority of the... visitor, to comment, to meet friends and enthusiasts and exchange impressions. Personally, I must say that as always I was impressed by the Motos, that sense of being able to touch and add a tactile sensation to the visual ones. But most of all I was impressed by the atmosphere.
Walking with Pietro Meda, the president of EICMA, this sensation can be shared, almost quantified, better defined and fixed: it is something very close to enthusiasm. It is that almost playful spirit of belonging to a category of enthusiasts, of visceral lovers of two-wheel vehicles, of motorbikes.
It is a grandiose 'salon' that has brought together an incredible multitude, people from all over the world, people who are meeting in Milan to take part in the 'christening' of models and novelties for 2024. The numbers confirm. Pavilions, stands, visitors. Quantity honouring quality. It must be great to be the chairman of such enthusiasm, to be the host of the most important motorbike (and two-wheeler all, go) party!