Paolo Magri. Good Morning MotoFestival, Good Morning EICMA 2024
There was a time when many were convinced, and tried to convince, that the ‘Salon’ was outdated, old-fashioned stuff. Many fell for it. But not Paolo Magri who, born a pilot, knew what it meant not to give up. Not long has passed since then, and today the CEO of EICMA hails the total victory
EICMA fought for its survival, a small, deadly and indomitable task force representing its new energy. Since that edition cancelled due to the pandemic, not a century nor a millennium has passed, and in a formidable acceleration the ‘Milan Show’ has become total, it has gathered everyone, including the hesitant and sceptical, in a form of success that we can define as global, new, very long-term. Operation accomplished? According to Paolo magri, ‘Never!’
These are not easy times, in many dramatic senses, it is not nice to observe the automotive industry's difficulty in keeping an increasingly uncertain and stormy course. So it is even nicer to note, or emphasise, that MOTO supports an industry that is becoming viable in an exemplary manner.
Magri tells us this from the active and privileged observatory of one who leads a reality that gathers all the elements of that success, and exposes them in the observation that the MOTO activates and develops a concrete, solid and lasting passion. Which requires and prides itself on using not just a part of the senses that translate it into emotion, but all five that make up our feeling.