Nicola Dutto: Baja California Dreaming
It was a dream, it remained a dream for a long time, today it is a reality: Nicola Dutto is at the start of the Baja California
Nicola Dutto is a challenger. In heart, mind and mighty arms to which he delegates the task of carrying out his missions. One day far away but impossible to forget, Nicola Dutto's career came to a traumatic halt, and so did his life. It is those dramatic situations in which, even and especially if you are a sportsman, a competitive athlete, in short a practising athlete, change your life.
Sometimes this life is heavily influenced by circumstances, and the limiting aspects prevail. For Nicola Dutto the terrible accident represented a pause, a long and difficult one, certainly, after which the Man started again and, unbelievable but true, the Athlete started again. Nicola Dutto was a motorbike racer, an off-road enthusiast, and he remained so, indeed, he was reborn.
The camino has been long and difficult, certainly not without setbacks and cruelly inhibiting moments, but in the end, today Nicola participates in the mostly extreme races that have shaped his profile as a champion. Nicola has done the Dakar, the Africa Eco Race, he has tested himself in extreme circumstances. Finally, after more than a decade, Nicola Dutto has organised his team-family, joined by Tiziano Internò, and is at the start of a dream that has remained in his heart for too long: the Baja 1000 California. This year in the even tougher “Special” version.