Matteo Salvini. ‘We are working on it!’
Matteo Salvini is an ‘aggressive’ minister. His proposals are battle cries, the problems urgent. At Eicma he officialises the opening and is immediately called to work
Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, it is easy to understand why in Milan, as well as ‘blessing’ EICMA with authority, Matteo Salvini is not just a baptismal welcome speaker but rather a ‘beleaguered’ one to ask for anything and everything. Counting on the fact that he is Deputy Prime Minister and therefore implies a rather broad spectrum of competences, in fact, even the purely motorcycling occasion, or Motorcycle by definition, is a good one for soliciting a solution on various issues.
Salvini indulges in lightning-fast interviews that stop for a few minutes the stream of representatives following him on his visit to the ‘Show’. Managing to get his attention in the ‘tonnara’ of even more aggressive interviewers is not easy. We are patient for a while, then at the first fraction of silence we try it too, the dwarf's mobile phone in our mouths trying to squeeze in at all costs.
That afternoon, on the fly, we hear about motorbikes. We try to throw out the questions we consider topical, among them the three of relevance. The new Highway Code, how to reward the ‘virtuous’, whether it is possible to make virtuous also... the insurers who pester us with their statistics... upwards. Something, in the bedlam, we pick up, including a small surprise.