Marco Aurelio Fontana: a cycling legend "converted" to the bike
Three Olympics, bronze and world gold medals, and finally “MAF” realises his dream of racing motorbikes to Dakar
Marco Aurelio Fontana, he is a myth. Like a rock star, like a Brazilian or Argentinean footballer. His myth Marco Aurelio Fontana, for convenience henceforth referred to as “Super MAF”, has created it with a series of cycling feats that have something superhuman about them, and of course with an infectious endowment of sympathy that sparks affection.
Three Olympics. The one in London in 2012 etched in the memory. We tell it again for the short of memory and the careless. In the leading group with the authority of a World Champion, on the last lap ready to maul his opponents, Marcus Aurelius loses the saddle of his mount. It is a moment of dismay. For him and for the millions here on TV screens around the world who jump to their feet. Just like the die-hard champion, who stands up on his pedals and goes on to win the bronze medal. Marco Aurelio Fontana goes straight from the podium to legend.
“MAF” has a dream, which he cannot realise when the Pro commitment sucks up all his time and most of his energy: to race motorbikes. In the next phase of his life, alongside the bike, but relaxed, comes the motorbike. A bit of fun, a bit of grit and it's the International 6 Days, the Enduro Olympics. And finally the dream comes true after at least ten years since the declaration of intent: Marco Aurelio Fontana will be at the start of the Africa Eco Race. Objective Dakar!