Leonardo Tonelli, Professione Kilometrista: 'All that glitters is not gold. But it's fun! - THE INTERVIEW
The dream of many (almost all enthusiasts) is to be a test rider. Being on the bike all day, earning money and having fun. Tonelli, Pilota, tells us what it means to be a KilometristA
What do you want to be when you grow up? A pilot. And if you're not that good? The TASER! All right, study in the meantime. The years go by and study takes the lion's share of the enthusiast's life. the moped, the motorbike, the trips and the races, finally the Motorbike finds its space and expands in passion.
Some want to become a Pilot, others like to travel, others still just enjoy the wind on their face. one becomes a Pilot, a thousand become travellers, a billion continue to enjoy the wind on their face. And many would like to do it for work, to be able to ride all day long.
Leonardo Tonelli has had more than one chance, he has had the scooter, he is a Pilot and Champion, he teaches, he works as a test rider. If not all day, many hours on many days Leonardo spends them in the saddle. And yes, he can confirm it: he has fun.
But even the most fun job has its side of rigour in which one cannot take it lightly, its rules, its tasks and responsibilities. Even its risks. Well here we discover, with Leonardo Tonelli, what it all means... living a dream while awake.