Greetings to the MotoFestival MY23 from the President of ANCMA, Paolo Magri
How to be an institution and be with the people, surround yourself with passion and share: Paolo Magri, Red Helmet, Engineer, President. He is the banner of the new course of ANCMA, of which EICMA is the 'daughter'.
"ANCMA has won the EICMA bet!" One might be inclined to say so. But we are not talking about gambling here. The term bet is irreverent and reductive, out of place. Bet is for amateurs, perhaps off the mark. Instead, today in ANCMA there are no longer any amateurs or incompetents.
The Team led by the Mister who relaunched the organisation, and who got it through a long, very complex and difficult time, is the Dream Team of Passion for 2 Wheels. Our Team, quite simply.
Where is the difference with the past? The harmony with the base, with our passion.
Each of us can confidently reflect ourselves in the leadership of an organisation that we can consider our own. Today Paolo Magri's ANCMA watches over and proposes, responds. It accompanies the evolution of the market, of the industry, of taste. Of mobility in general, elevating it to a guiding dignity.
EICMA is the time of year when contact is closest, the message clearest and dialogue direct. It is that 'Salone' that is historically our winter appointment, today more alive than ever in the very context that has seen it 'accused' of alleged obsolescence. It is the 'touch to believe' Salon, in every sense. And those who insist on not being there are missing an important piece of reality. It should come as no surprise that we feel honoured to put President Paolo Magri's greeting at the head of the MotoFestival Moto.It.