Edi Orioli. The Number 1. Absolute
4 Dakar vinte con tre marche diverse di Moto è solo il risultato matematico formidabile di una carriera stellare. Ma ci sono altri motivi per ritenere il fuoriclasse un fenomeno a parte
Edi Orioli you could listen to for hours, for days, for weeks. If he were a professor at school
(perhaps from Dakar) there would be no one absent and no one sleeping at the back of the class.
Because Edi was an absolute phenomenon, and a particularly imaginative and effective intelligence
in the very war that has always been DAKAR. He was discovered and initiated into Rally-Raid by a mechanic
and manager from Tuscany, Massimo Ormeni, an intuition that had seen us super right.
Only at times does Orioli's career show the ‘throttle’, that forceful way of competing that
too often conditions the athlete, far more often his victories came from cunning, from the
qualities of intelligence perfectly adapted to the circumstance. That is why every time he won, 4
from 1989 to 1996 with Honda, CaGiVa (twice) and Yamaha, for the losers it was a real
real, genuine defeat. To him all the strongest had to bow, Stephane Peterhansel
Every victory, every stage of his Dakar is a story, a surprise, the winning agreement of an
incomparable performer. Tell us again, we are all grandchildren hanging on your every word. E
why did the Right Man of the Dakar never want to stay in the business? Why not
pass on that talent that never grows old and is called experience? Come on Edi, tell...