Dealers and sales network.
A tale of a revolution in progress - TALK
For a motorcyclist who wants to buy a new motorbike, even in the digital age the main interlocutor remains the dealer. But how will motorbikes be bought tomorrow? We discuss this with three experts
Information is flowing fast and in a much more important way since the advent of digital communication. People who want to buy a new motorbike, or a new scooter, today have much more information than they did only a decade ago and can quickly check features, prices and whatnot.
But then they will make a trip to the dealership and this is where the skills of the salesman and also that of the entire staff come into play. In short, the way to buy a motorbike today is not the same as in the past, and motorbike manufacturers and dealers are well aware of this and have adapted their strategies.
If the digital has provided new opportunities for knowledge and contact, the real has become even more important in providing services.
The pandemic that has changed many of our habits in 2020 has accelerated processes that were already underway even in the field of motorbike purchasing, and changes are likely to continue.
This is why we wanted to hear the opinions of those who work on the other side of the window and in the industry on a daily basis. The protagonists of this talk are: Francesco Milicia, Vice President Global Sales Ducati, Paolo Ilariuzzi, Director of Suzuki Italia's Motorcycle and Marine Division, and Styven Fani, who heads the historic Florentine dealership Fani Motors.