Alessandro De Martino and Fabio Borrelli, Continental, between innovation and optimism
Francesco Paolillo interviews Alessandro De Martino (CEO Continental Italia) and Fabio Borrelli (motorbike area manager)
Continental Italia CEO Alessandro De Martino interviewed by Francesco Paolillo.
It is an opportunity to talk about tyres, but not only. It begins with a word we would never imagine: optimism. It will be the key for 2023 after the difficult years from which we are emerging. With commitment, results come and so Alessandro De Martino's view is that by looking 'forward and forward' things happen.
After Covid the motorbike sector is one of those that have reacted fastest. This is due to the desire for freedom to which the motorbike provides an answer.
Continental is not only tyres but also a lot of technology. "We are building the vehicles of the future, the connected and electric vehicles. We put a lot of technology on motorbikes as well, trying to help everyone to be safer. Electronics helps a lot in this.
In terms of products for the future, Continental is working to make technology 'easy' with great importance attached to the interface. Technology must in fact be known, accepted and mastered.
With Fabio Borrelli, Continental's motorbike area manager, we get to the heart of the product and the innovations in the range. Particular emphasis on the Road Attack 4. A technologically very advanced product. Technology in all segments in which the Continental range is committed with its products.