Jorge Viegas, FIM President: "I tell you how motorcycling will change"
Mercato, sport, istituzioni, proiezioni nel futuro: il Presidente della Federazione Motociclistica Internazionale ci ha concesso un'intervista a tutto tondo nella quale ha esplorato le direzioni che prenderà il mondo delle due ruote nei prossimi anni
What direction will the motorbike market take in the coming years? How does the FIM work? What could be the natural technical evolution of the engines of our beloved motorbikes?
FI President Jorge Viegas granted us an all-round interview: market, sport, institutions, projections into the future and, yes: at the end of our meeting we went home even more optimistic about the future of motorbikes and motorsport, which does not only mean MotoGP but also, just to give a couple of examples, Endurance and Flat Track. And what about the fuels of the future? The President tells us his very authoritative point of view on this subject as well.